Q. Huang


Qingqiu Huang

Director of ADS Perception Department

ADS, IAS BU, Huawei


Google Scholar

About Me

Qingqiu Huang is now the Director of ADS Perception Department, IAS BU of Huawei. The team's interests include perception, end-to-end autonomous driving, VLM for driving, sensor simulation etc. He received his Ph.D. degree in Multi-Media Lab, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2020, supervised by Prof. Dahua Lin. He got his bachelor’s degrees of Automation in Tsinghua University in 2016. His research interests include but not limit to Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Autonomous Driving.


ADS, IAS BU, Huawei Technology
Aug. 2020 - current

Director of ADS Perception Department


The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Aug. 2016 - July 2020

Ph.D. of Information Engineering

Tsinghua University
Aug 2012 - July 2016

B.S. of Automation


Aug. 2023  

One paper accepted at ICCV 2023.

May 2023  

One paper accepted at CVPR 2023.

April 2023  

Huawei ADS 2.0 Launched!

May 2022  

One paper accepted at CVPR 2022.

May 2021  

One paper accepted at CVPR 2021.

Aug. 2020  

I have joined ADS, IAS BU of Huawei.

July 2020  

MovieNet Released!

July 2020  

Seven papers accepted at ECCV 2020.

May 2020  

One paper accepted at CVPR 2020.

July 2019  

One paper accepted (oral) at ICCV 2019.

May 2019  

We organize WIDER Face and Person Challenge 2019 in conjunction with ICCV 2019. There are four exciting tracks with great prizes! And we call for papers this year!

Feb. 2019  

Report of WIDER 2018 is now released!

July 2018  

Two papers accepted at ECCV 2018.

May 2018  

We organize a new challenge WIDER Face and Pedestrian Challenge 2018 in conjunction with ECCV 2018. There are three exciting tracks with great prizes! Deadline of challenge: July 18, 2018.

Feb. 2018  

One paper accepted at CVPR 2018.


TransFusion: Robust LiDAR-Camera Fusion for 3D Object Detection with Transformers

Xuyang Bai, Zeyu Hu, Xinge Zhu, Qingqiu Huang, Yilun Chen, Hongbo Fu, Chiew-Lan Tai

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022

Paper Code
MovieNet: A Holistic Dataset for Movie Understanding

Qingqiu Huang*, Yu Xiong*, Anyi Rao, Jiaze Wang, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020

Paper Project
Caption-Supervised Face Recognition: Training a State-of-the-Art Face Model without Manual Annotation

Qingqiu Huang, Lei Yang, Huaiyi Huang, Tong Wu, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020

Paper Project
A Unified Framework for Shot Type Classification Based on Subject Centric Lens

Anyi Rao, Jiaze Wang, Linning Xu, Xuekun Jiang, Qingqiu Huang, Bolei Zhou, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020

Paper Project
Online Multi-modal Person Search in Videos

Jiangyue Xia, Anyi Rao, Qingqiu Huang, Linning Xu, Jiangtao Wen, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020

Paper Project
Placepedia: Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi-Faceted Annotations

Huaiyi Huang, Yuqi Zhang, Qingqiu Huang, Zhengkui Guo, Ziwei Liu, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020

Paper Project
A Local-to-Global Approach to Multi-modal Movie Scene Segmentation

Anyi Rao, Linning Xu, Yu Xiong, Guodong Xu, Qingqiu Huang, Bolei Zhou, Dahua Lin

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020

Paper Project Demo
A Graph-Based Framework to Bridge Movies and Synopses

Yu Xiong, Qingqiu Huang, Lingfeng Guo, Hang Zhou, Bolei Zhou, Dahua Lin

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019

Paper Project
Person Search in Videos with One Portrait Through Visual and Temporal Links

Qingqiu Huang, Wentao Liu, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018

Paper Project Demo
Find and Focus: Retrieve and Localize Video Events with Natural Language Queries

Dian Shao*, Yu Xiong*, Yue Zhao, Qingqiu Huang, Yu Qiao, Dahua Lin

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018

Paper Project
Unifying Identification and Context Learning for Person Recognition

Qingqiu Huang, Yu Xiong, Dahua Lin

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2018

Paper Project
From Trailers to Storylines: An Efficient Way to Learn from Movies

Qingqiu Huang, Yuanjun Xiong, Yu Xiong, Yuqi Zhang, Dahua Lin

Arxiv:1806.05341, 2018

Paper Demo